In Italy, fake news spreads faster than real ones on the web. But there are certain “fakes” that cause more damage: specifically, those about nutrition during pregnancy and infancy. In fact, the wrong information can bring out health risks, both in the present and future.
Within this context, “NUTRIPEDIA – InformaTI per crescere” was born: the first "collaborative” and constantly evolving encyclopedia about parents and child nutrition. It is a program matches scientific truths with parents’ needs, along with easy-to-understand advice.
The project was developed for the Danone Institute Foundation by Edelman with the support of a panel of experts from RIMMI (the inter-company Milan infant motherhood network). On the platform, pediatricians, gynecologists, and nutritionists support users with the primary purpose of combatting fake news. The site’s content is further enriched through the engagement of mummy and dadddy bloggers who share their personal experiences about nutrition during the first years of their children’s lives. Nutripedia also lives on a Facebook page that amplifies the hub's messages through weekly updates linking to fresh content. Finally, the site also features the first chatbot ever dedicated to child nutrition; a tool that allows users to enrich the encyclopedia by collecting and answering parents' most frequent questions about the first 1000 days of their newborn’s lives.

Nutripedia has been well-received by experts in the pediatrics field and is recognized as an efficient tool to safeguard the health of little ones by the Italian Health Ministry, as well as the President of the Italian Society of Pediatrics. A user-friendly and readily-available information source, always handy for mums and dads, the content-rich website’s ecosystem, inclusive of influencer activities and Facebook promotion have yielded 100,000+ views of the platform, 60,000+ user sessions, 300,000+ impressions on the Nutripedia Facebook page, with nearly 200,000 persons reached, and over 800,000 social media impressions via 8 bloggers engaged, as well as a Facebook reach of more than 2 million.
- 2019 Assorel Prize Awards, "Best In No profit Communication"